CGI-brows: "Suck this, Inception! Rocket Sausage presents a wonderful new technology that will surely improve the experience of both filmakers and audience.
I once builded this helmet myself too, actually both Guy Manuel and Thomas Bangalter version, but this guy... his 17 month work killed every single DP helmet replica out there. The best build I have ever seen so far and probably the last.
Perhaps Warhol was the first to open up the art world to the idea of fast art, smashing the notion that the quality of art is parallel to the time spent creating it. Granting more than just a nod to Warhol's ideology is UK artist, Benjamin Hammond. After years of sketching his colleagues during weekly work meetings, the now Melbourne-based graphic designer began getting requests from friends to provide them with a portrait. Opening up his skill set to a worldwide audience Hammond has just launched One Minute Portraits, a site where he creates portraits in just one minute. Anyone can email him a photo of themself, check out the portrait and then choose to buy the original. 'I chose one minute because it's roughly how long I take to draw a face,' says Hammond, 'Saying that, if I'm really into drawing a face and my minute's up, I may just keep going until it's done. But normally it shouldn't take more than a minute.'
The site, which literally just launched, is already gaining popularity with requests coming in from Dubai, London, Amsterdam and San Francisco. And while happy punters can choose to buy their original pic, Hammond does not charge for his one minute of work. 'I considered charging but the main concept was born out finding a new consistent motivation to draw, and to hopefully gain attention which would then lead onto other projects,' says Hammond, 'I love to draw, but I sometimes need a motivation. Or a thing to draw. Nothing like a good face. To draw I mean.'
Fancy your own one minute masterpiece? Simply email a photo of yourself to faces [at} oneminuteportraits [dot] net or upload an image here.
...of 14 switches transformed in a disgusting way. Every time a switch is pressed, a virtual light-bulb on a screen is lighted up as a feedback for the test-person....I want to show that people are indeed both repelled and fascinated by the disgusting transformation of the switches.
Among other delights, there's a switch that retreats into its enclosure when your finger approaches, a switch that extrudes a stream of snotty goo when pressed (and retracts it when released), and (my personal favorite) a hairy switch with a pilomotor reflex that makes the hairs stand up when you try to touch it. Squick!
Luminair for iPad - multi-touch DMX lighting control - A Quick Preview from Synthe FX on Vimeo.
Controlling lighting has been caught in a kind of Stone Age – expensive, inelegant, awkward, and antiquated. But while the iPad’s impact has perhaps been overstated with some problems (“it’ll save publishing! it’ll replace all other computers! it will transform how you think about life!”), here in this far more limited but important niche, I think it could be downright revolutionary. You can thank the app developer.
Luminair showed potential on the iPhone and iPod touch, but on the larger real estate of the iPad – with an extraordinary effort to make the user interface more mature – it’s looking like an actual replacement for other control schemes. For lighting and show control over the standard DMX protocol, Luminair gives you touch control of presets, colors, sequenced events, the lot.
I could say more, but I think the video tells it all. It’s also the kind of elegant, attractive UI design that embodies everything iOS is supposed to be. The reality is, despite Apple’s terrific tools and SDK for designing for the screen, a lot of UI design isn’t all that great. (Don’t blame the tools. Doing great UI design, whether on a website, a desktop, or any mobile platform, isn’t easy.) Here, my only regret is that because this is a DMX app, the larger mobile app community likely won’t see how slick the UI looks. Oh, well, no matter – if you run shows on DMX, you don’t care.
Word is people have already begun to work with Luminair on iPad in the real world. I hope to cover that – and perhaps even get the attention of people who don’t know what DMX is – soon.
Just don’t be surprised if you see this app at a show near you.
It is just a project by the indian designer Saikat Biswas , but it looks amazing. Holga D is a digital camera inspired from the extremely popular cult Holga and other toy cameras of its kind. Even though it is a digital camera, it retains the qualities and simplicity of the original Holga camera and brings back the joy and delayed gratification associated with good old analog photography.
DIY 3D Scanner @ OpenProcessing Structured Light 3D Wiki [Google Code] [with loads of other fantastic projects]
The point of democraticizing tools, though, should be better artistic output. So it’s encouraging to see this gorgeous-looking intro video for Spain’s MAD MMX, the Madrid visual conference, which took place at the beginning of this month. It’s the work of motion and visual effects house Physalia.
Be sure to spot some of the terrific human body deconstruction about two minutes in; I’d love to see more of this element in particular. You can see more of the techniques behind the work in the making-of video at bottom.
Music by Tinnitustudio (Alex Mediavilla & Egus).
You can follow Physalia on Facebook.
Anyone else working with these open 3D scanning tools?
In this short film from Patrick Boivin — AT-AT Day Afternoon — the French-Canadian filmmaker waxes nostalgic on what it would be like if an AT-AT Walker were man's best friend. 'When I was a kid, there were two things I wanted badly and never got,' Boivin says. 'A real dog and a Kenner AT-AT Walker.' Check out the video below.
A storyteller which narrates the 8500 year story of Istanbul. The story
embraces symbols from Pagans to Roman Empire, from Byzantine Empire to
Latin Empire, and finally from Ottoman Empire to Istanbul at the
present day. Art Direction & Visuals: Deniz Kader and Candaş Şişman at Nerdworking.